
Phares on C-Span on the Lost Spring: "US engaging Egypt's people and Egyptians engaging the US public now, is a must"
By Dr Walid Phares
Apr 15, 2014 - 6:12:00 PM

In an hour long comprehensive discussion of his book "The Lost Spring" author Walid Phares argued that "now is the time to engage Egypt's civil society, its women, youth, Copts, liberals, moderates to create a people to people alliance against extremism and Terrorism. But now is also the time for English speaking Egyptian intellectuals, comedians, artists, academics and NGOs to come to America and engage the public and Congress about their real aspirations for the future of Egypt. The June 30 popular revolution, which witnessed 33 million demonstrators against the Ikhwan regime, is a cross road in the history of the Arab Spring. It has created dynamics of masses and silent majority rejecting all sorts of dictatorship, civilian or military, and also Islamist regimes. This is the window we were waiting for and this is the time to engage."

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