
Phares to Anadolu Press Agency in Turkey: "Washington is deeply divided on US policy regarding Iran's deal"
By Dr Walid Phares
Mar 4, 2015 - 9:02:02 AM

"(The) Israeli prime minister's speech to the U.S. Congress today created waves in Washington, unveiling a divided government on the issue of a possible interim deal with Iran," Walid Phares from the Washington-based Global Policy Institute told The Anadolu Agency.

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"(The) Israeli prime minister's speech to the U.S. Congress today created waves in Washington, unveiling a divided government on the issue of a possible interim deal with Iran," Walid Phares from the Washington-based Global Policy Institute told The Anadolu Agency.

Although the disagreement was made public between the Israeli PM and President Barack Obama, Phares believes the real division seems to be within Washington.

"On the one hand, you have the Obama administration and their supporters in Congress committed to a possible nuclear deal with Iran, and on the other hand, you have a large majority in Congress with a Republican large majority and a group from the Democratic Party," he said.

More than 50 Democrats boycotted Netanyahu's address and were absent from the House chamber.

The prime minister’s speech followed a controversial invite from House Speaker John Boehner for Netanyahu to address Congress. The White House was not notified about the invitation, irking the Obama administration, which labeled it a breach of protocol.

"Many in the international community perceived Netanyahu's speech as a thrust into U.S. politics, but reality is that the division within Washington was what brought Mr. Netanyahu to DC," Phares said. "Without a majority in Congress to invite him, the visit wouldn't have taken place."

He said it appeared less likely that Congress would approve a possible nuclear deal with Iran.

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