
Phares to BBC: "The Obama administration is seeking Iran's help in Yemen, but realities on the ground are far beyond these attempts"
By Dr Walid Phares
May 31, 2015 - 1:04:27 PM

In an interview with BBC Arabic Dr Walid Phares said: "The Obama administration is seeking Iran's help in Yemen, but realities on the ground are far beyond these attempts"

Al Houthi, Ansarallah supreme leader

In an interview with BBC Arabic radio, Dr. Walid Phares said, "The Obama administration is attempting to seek an Iranian pressure on the Houthis to accept a negotiated solution in Yemen based on their withdrawal from areas and becoming part of the ruling government coalition. But the Houthis and the Iranian regime are less likely accept to withdraw from areas they have conquered militarily. Hence there is little chance for that initiative to succeed."

Phares, the author of The Lost Spring​ went on to say, "The Obama administration wants to show solidarity with the Gulf states but does not want to appear as fully siding against Iran. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are pursuing a policy of destruction of the Iranian-backed Houthi military power on the ground in Yemen and a subsequent pushing back of the militias to the north. Iran is trying to use U.S. pressure to protect these militias via a political agreement. However, realities on the ground are far beyond these attempts."

Yemen civil war

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