
Phares to Saudi TV: "Many Gulf donations were managed by the Muslim Brotherhood in the West"
By Dr Walid Phares
Sep 27, 2015 - 3:47:38 PM

In an exclusive interview with al Ikhbariya cable TV in Riyadh, Dr Walid Phares said "it is important that the Saudi public and Government are informed that Petrodollars sent from the Gulf over decades to be invested culturally in the US and the West, were guided and managed by the Muslim Brotherhood lobby which invested them in extremist ideology, anti-Western agenda and anti Gulf incitement."

Saudi show on al Ikhbariya

In an exclusive interview with al Ikhbariya cable TV in Riyadh, Dr Walid Phares said "it is important that the Saudi public and Government are informed that Petrodollars sent from the Gulf over decades to be invested culturally in the US and the West, were guided and managed by the Muslim Brotherhood lobby which invested them in extremist ideology, anti-Western agenda and anti Gulf incitement."

Phares told al Ikhbariya TV that "Gulf donations to universities ended up being used by the Ikhwan agenda, alienating the US public and creating unnecessary tensions between Americans and Arabs. Petrodollars sent from the Gulf in the intention of enhancing ties between cultures ended up being used to create an Islamist lobby which targeted America and its relations with moderates in the Arab world. The Muslim Brotherhood networks lived off these donations and directed them for their own ideological and political agenda."

"Ironically this money, while coming from the region, funded a propaganda war against the region's civil societies, minorities and moderate Governments."

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