
Phares to Rudaw on Iraqi Kurdistan: "Referendum are a right, separation needs negotiations"
By Dr Walid Phares
Jul 3, 2017 - 3:05:39 PM

In an interview with Iraqi Kurdistan Rudaw TV, Dr Walid Phares said "the people of Iraqi Kurdistan have a natural right to call for and perform a referendum. This will allow them to show their choices in self determination. But at the same time, since the region is part of a sovereign state which is Iraq, separation must be preceded by negotiations with Baghdad."

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In an interview with Iraqi Kurdistan Rudaw TV, Dr Walid Phares said "the people of Iraqi Kurdistan have a natural right to call for and perform a referendum. This will allow them to show their choices in self determination. But at the same time, since the region is part of a sovereign state which is Iraq, separation must be preceded by negotiations with Baghdad."

Phares said "the US cannot be opposed to the right of self determination or the results of the referendum, but will encourage all parties to negotiate the next form of Government among themselves."

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