
Phares in Arabic
Independent Arabia: Forming an Arab Coalition
By Dr Walid Phares
May 1, 2019 - 8:35:38 AM

The first of a series of op-eds I will publish for Independent Arabia out of London.

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Written in Arabic, I review the genesis of the Arab Coalition and my own suggestions to form such a coalition over the past decade. My calls to form an Arab NATO began as early as 2009 as a result of Iranian meddling in Yemen, followed by the Egyptian revolt against the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013, the rise of ISIS in 2014, the Iran deal and militias as of 2015 as well as the refugees from Syria. I briefed then candidate Trump about the idea of forming an Arab Coalition during the time of the campaign.

I underline that the core of the Coalition are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain as well as counter-terrorism forces in the region. I argue that the Coalition was actually launched during President Trump's visit to Riyadh in 2017, but was slowed down due to pressures in Washington DC.

I call for a re-launch of the Arab Coalition either via a second summit in the region or from the US.

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