
Phares in Arabic
Phares analysis of Trump's projected trip to Riyadh and the region on al Arabiya
By Dr Walid Phares
May 5, 2017 - 6:37:02 AM

In an interview on al Arabiya, Dr Walid Phares analyzed the impact of the projected visit of President Donald Trump to Riyadh, and the following visits to Israel and the Vatican.

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In an interview on al Arabiya, Dr Walid Phares analyzed the impact of the projected visit of President Donald Trump to Riyadh, and the following visits to Israel and the Vatican.

"President Trump is sending several messages through this first journey to the region and beyond. One is determination to defeat ISIS, not just militarily but on the ideological level. His meetings in Saudi Arabia with leaders from Muslim majority countries will include asking for a strong war of ideas against the terrorists. Two, is to show Iran that military expansion in the region won't be accepted and three that the US will make progress in attempting to resolve the most difficult crises in the region, but through regional alliances and new partnerships"

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