
Phares to Chicago's AM 560: "Iran is blocking Obama from seeking Arab Sunni armies to dislantle ISIS"
By Dr Walid Phares
Nov 16, 2015 - 3:28:29 PM

In an interview with Chicago's AM 560, Fox affiliate, Dr Walid Phares said: "ISIS wants French urban war between Government and potential insurgents, to cripple its national security." Phares added that Iran is blocking Obama from seeking Arab Sunni armies to dismantle ISIS"

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In an interview with Chicago's AM 560, Fox affiliate, Dr Walid Phares said: "ISIS wants French urban war between Government and potential insurgents, to cripple its national security"

Phares said "even if you fully destroy Reqqa to the ground, Jihadi waves will continue to come. What you need is a replacement of ISIS on the ground by moderates. President Obama should ask Arab countries to send their armies into Iraq and Syria to dismantle ISIS and get the job done."

The problem added Phares is that Iran is blocking Obama from calling on the Arab moderates to move. Iran wants to seize the areas of ISIS and do not want Sunni Arabs to seize them. This explains why Obama isn't going all the way"

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