
Phares to Dateline Washington: "Do we want to lead from behind or go to the UN and lead from the front?"
By Dr Walid Phares
Feb 17, 2015 - 6:34:26 PM

In a radio interview with Greg Corombos on Dateline Washington, Dr Walid Phares said "either we as US wants to lead from behind, in the war with the terrorists, or we want to go to the UN, and lead from the front."

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In a radio interview with Greg Corombos on Dateline Washington, Dr Walid Phares said "either we as US wants to lead from behind, in the war with the terrorists, or we want to go to the UN, and lead from the front."

He said "while we know that UN bureaucracy is not very efficient, but you have now the five permanent members of the UNSC attacked by Jihadists. These five powers, if they want, can isolate and defeat the Terror threat, even though they may have many issues among themselves." Phares added: "The importance of having a resolution against the Jihadists is clear. It would work as an umbrella for actions in various regions. The issues and crises between allies, such as between the US, Europe, Israel, Egypt or the Gulf can be resolved under such umbrella and the Russian crisis in Ukraine won't block such international campaign. It is clear that the US will have to lead, but does the Administration want to lead is the question."

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