
Reviews of Books
Lost Spring Reviewed in "The Jewish Journal"
By Dr Walid Phares
Mar 7, 2014 - 12:22:00 PM

A review of "The Lost Spring" was published by Jonathan Kirsch, author and publishing attorney, and the book editor of the Jewish Journal in the Greater LA. The review successfully captured the essence of the book and will be helpful for readers. Interestingly Kirsch concluded that since Phares was an advisor to Romney, thus the book is a critique of Obama's policies. Not so, in fact Phares criticizes US Foreign Policy regardless of who is the President, Clinton, Bush or Obama. Also Kirsch was skeptical about finding the "democracy forces" in the Middle East to work with them while millions of people have marched in Cairo, Beirut, Tehran and beyond. It would be difficult not to notice them. (Beth Malek, researcher)

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