
Phares to FNC: "We need to educate and inform 300 million Americans as to what Jihadism is"
By Dr Walid Phares
Aug 20, 2017 - 10:27:21 AM

In an interview with Trace Callagher on Fox News, Dr Walid Phares author of "The Lost Spring" said "our President and Congressional leaders need to educate and inform 300 million Americans as to what is Jihadism, to mobilize the public"

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In an interview with Trace Callagher on Fox News, Dr Walid Phares author of "The Lost Spring" said "our President and Congressional leaders need to educate and inform 300 million Americans as to what is Jihadism, to mobilize the public"

Phares argued that "if you want to mobilize the public you need to tell them exactly what the ideology is about, so that citizens understand what is the narrative and what are the goals of the terrorists. Also you need to work with the communities that the Jihadists are trying to penetrate, because they are on the front lines of your defense"

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