Phares at American Pulse panel: "Genocides and ethnic cleansings are organized by a force, legitimized by an ideology"
By Dr Walid Phares
Jun 8, 2015 - 5:49:06 PM
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In his participation at a panel organized by the "American Pulse" program in New York and in coordination with al Qahira wal nass TV show in Cairo, Dr Walid Phares said "genocides and ethnic cleansings are organized by political forces and legitimized by ideologies."
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In his participation at a panel organized by the "American Pulse" program in New York and in coordination with al Qahira wal nass TV show in Cairo, Dr Walid Phares said "genocides and ethnic cleansings are organized by political forces and legitimized by ideologies."
He said: "In the 20th century these crimes against humanity were organized by movements led by Stalin, Mao and Hitler. In the 21st century we see similar ethnic cleansings and early stages of genocides by Jihadi regimes and movements as in Sudan, Iraq and Syria." Phares added "today we see that these acts are legitimized by a Jihadi ideology."
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