Obama'nın Suriye'deki gerçek jeopolitik duruşu
Küresel Politika Enstitüsü Başkanı Prof. Dr. Waled Phares, Obama yönetiminin Suriye kriziyle ilgili politikasındaki stratejik zikzakları ve terör örgütü YPG bağlamında Ankara-Washington hattında beliren görüş ayrılığının arka planını AA için değerlendirdi.
Feb 26, 2016 - 3:18:33 PM
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Phares to Week Life in China: "Hezbollah has penetrated all communities but Lebanon's majority rejects it"
Professor Walid Phares to Week Life in China: "Hezbollah has penetrated all communities in Lebanon, in addition to its military and financial control of the Shia community' But the majority of Christians, Sunnis, Druses and many in the Shia community, that is Lebanon's popular majority rejects the pro-Iranian organization, as an ideology and as a militia."
Oct 25, 2010 - 11:49:00 AM
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