Short CV of Professor Walid Phares available for the public, media and Governments. Updated in September 2015
Professor Walid Phares |
Professor Phares has been an advisor to the US House of Representatives Caucus on Counter Terrorism since 2007 and is the Co-Secretary General of the Trans Atlantic Legislative Group on Counter Terrorism since 2008.
He served as President Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Advisor during the 2016 Campaign. And served as Presidential candidate Mitt Romney national security senior Advisor in 2011-2012
He is Fox News National Security and Foreign Policy expert since 2017. And has served as Terrorism and Middle East Expert for Fox News since 2007. He has been MSNBC-NBC Terrorism Analyst from 2003 to the end of 2006.
He taught Global Strategies at the National Defense University in Washington DC since 2006, lectured at the National Intelligence University since 2008 and he has been a Professor of Middle East Studies, Ethnic and Religious Conflict at the Department of Political Science at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) from 1993 to 2006. Professor Phares has also been a senior lecturer on the War on Terror and Global Conflicts at the LLS Program of FAU and the IRP Program at the University of Miami. Previously he taught at Florida International University in 1991 and 1992 and at Saint Joseph University in Beirut in the 1980s. Currently he is a visiting Professor at Washington DC based private universities. He was appointed as director for international relations and Political Sciences at BAUI University in Washington DC since 2013 and has been appointed as a Provost of BAUI since 2014. He was appointed as BAUI University Vice president in 2017
Professor Walid Phares was a Senior Fellow and the director for Future Terrorism Project at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington (2001-2010). He was also a Visiting Fellow with the European Foundation for Democracies in Brussels (2006-2010).
As an international expert on conflicts and Terrorism, Professor Phares lectures on US campuses, nationwide, and internationally including in London, Stockholm, Brussels, Strasbourg, Mexico, Amsterdam, Geneva, Paris, Prague, Budapest, Mexico, Lisbon, Sao Paolo, Montreal, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, Budapest, Bucharest, Prague, Sao Paolo, Montevideo, Cairo, Nicosia and Beirut.
He published several books and articles including in the Middle East Quarterly, Global Affairs, Journal of Middle East and South Asian Studies, Journal of International Security Affairs, Journal of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, Homeland Security Today, and other specialized journals. He has been interviewed by national and international networks including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, PBS, Discovery Channel, C-Span, BBC TV (English-Arabic), Sky News, France 24 (English, Arabic, French), CTV, CBC, Canada Global TV, al Jazeera, al Hurra, Abu Dhabi TV, Dubai TV, al Arabiya, LBCI, Russia Today TV, Voice of America TV, as well as local ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC and others. He appears on European, Arab, South Asian and Latin American outlets and is a frequent contributor to many US and international radio programs including BBC English and Arabic and French Canadian Radio.
Dr Phares Op. Eds. have been published in the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal, Le Figaro, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle, Denver Post, Le Devoir (Montreal), Le Figaro (France), as well as many dailies weeklies in the US and around the world including in Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Lebanon, etc. He has been interviewed and quoted in printed media around the world including in Brazil, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, etc.
He has served as a strategic analyst and briefer to Governments, International Organizations, NGOs and media of the ongoing world conflicts, including on Terrorism and the War of Ideas particularly since 2001. His research includes geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa, ideologies and strategies of international regional and local Jihadist groups, radical groups strategies in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia and within the West. His scholarship covers democracy and human rights in the third world
He testifies to and conducts briefings at the US Congress, the European Parliament and Commission, and the UN Security Council, as well as to US State Department and other foreign ministries worldwide and to officials on Counter Terrorism in Europe and the United States. Dr Phares was an advisory board member of the Task Force on Future Terrorism of the US Department of Homeland Security (2005-2007) and a member of the NSC advisory task force on Nuclear Terrorism (2006-2007)
Dr Phares has also lectured to and advised the US Departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security, as well as regional commands such as CENTCOM, SOUTHCOM, AFRICOM, on academic research on Terrorism. He has served as an expert on Terrorism with the US and European Governments and briefed law enforcement agencies, including INTERPOL since 2003. Dr Phares serves as an academic advisor to several Human Rights and Middle East and Africa communities groups.
Dr Phares academic field covers comparative politics and conflict and strategic studies. His current research interest focuses on the Jihadist movements and strategies worldwide, Human Rights in North Africa and the Middle East, the Arab Spring, ethnic minorities, women, and democratic movement and processes within the Greater Middle East and the Muslim world, Terrorism, as well as the international relations of Civilizations.
Since 1979, Dr Phares has published twelve books on Middle East Conflicts and International Terrorism. His first post 9/11 book with Palgrave St Martin, Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against America, published in November 2005 was a Foreign Affairs best seller in 2006. The paperback Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies against the West was published in November 2006. A Spanish version was published in 2008. The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy was published in March 2007. The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad was published in March 2008. Dr Phares books were featured on summer reading lists in the US Congress and the UK House of Commons in 2007.
His most publicized book (December 2010) was The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East, which predicted the Arab Spring and projected the ongoing revolts in the Greater Middle East. A Russian version was published in 2011. Dr Phares has published a French book "Du Printemps Arabe a l'Automne Islamiste" at Hugo in Paris in November 2013. His most recent book "The Lost Spring" was published in March 2014
Born and raised in Beirut, Dr Walid Phares was educated at St Joseph and the Lebanese Universities of Beirut where he obtained degrees in Law and Political Science as well as a certificate in Sociology. He obtained a Masters in International Law from the Universite de Lyons in France and a Ph.D. in International Relations and Strategic Studies from the University of Miami.
He practiced as a Lawyer in Beirut, served as an analyst editorialist and was the publisher of several weeklies and monthlies in Arabic, French and English (1982-1987).
He published his first book, al Taadudiya fi Lubnan (Pluralism in Lebanon in Arabic) on the Multi-ethnic identity of Lebanon and the Middle East as well as on the relationship between Civilizations in 1979, followed by a number of books and articles in the Arab and international press since 1980 including Hiwar Dimucrati (Democratic Dialogue, 1981) and al Thawra al Islamiya al Khumaynia (The Islamic Khomeinist Revolution, 1986). As a lawyer and a writer in his native Lebanon, he launched a social democratic Party, formed a coalition of Middle East minorities NGOs and served in a national coalition of political parties that called for the withdrawal of the Syrian occupation and the disarming of Iranian-backed Terror organizations in the 1980s. He lectured in a number of countries in the Middle East and worldwide (France, Belgium, UK, Switzerland, Brazil, Uruguay, Cyprus and Canada).
Relocated to the United States in 1990, he taught at various universities in the 1990s, appeared as a Middle East expert with media and served as an expert on country conditions at US Immigration Courts as of 1994.
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